A website dedicated to photography,poetry, art, and philosophy
by Alan M. Spevak
revised 3/24/25
Photographs by Alan M. Spevak
Poems by Michael Chanteur
Contributions by other artists. poets, and philosophers
Send questions or comments to aspevak@lightsinger.org
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, lest the darkness overtake you;he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. While you have the light,believe in the light,that you may become sons of light. John 12:35-36
Artist's Statement: All of nature is a vast multidimensional waveform oscillating to the voice of God. My role as photographer is to make a two-dimensional record of this waveform to communicate the infinite beauty and complexity of nature. - Alan M. Spevak
"Beauty is one of the rare things that does not lead to doubt of God."
- Jean Anouilhh
Clouds ( digitally modified) amspevak
Photographs - 12+ pages of nature photos
Photo Essays [under construction]
Almost Spring - March Photographs in central Pennsylvania
Water and Ice - the falls at Ricketts Glen State Park- Pennsylvania
Favorite Poems by famous poets
Philosophy of Photography/Art
Spiritual Nature of Photography
Photographers' Prayer- by A. Cantante
The Kingdom of Good - essay on how life can be better
Other websites by Alan M. Spevak:
http://lightsinger.zenfolio.com - selected nature photographs for purchase
www.lightsinger.net -main photography website
https://www.facebook.com/amspevak LightSinger Images
http://www.songofthespirit.net/ (formerly Chanson d'Esprit) : religion, poems by M. Chanteur,philosophy
Other Art Websites:
Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art - a fine art gallery in central Missouri
American Art @ THe Phillps Collection(click on link below)- an excellent art website
My Heart to Your Heart- another excellent art website (in Spanish)
Send questions or comments to aspevak@lightsinger.org